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Welcome to LawCourts

Law Courts Limited owns and operates the Law Courts building in Queens Square, Sydney.


Located in the primary legal precinct of Sydney, the Law Courts building accommodates the High Court of Australia, Federal Court of Australia and the Supreme Court of NSW.


The building is open to the public from 7.00am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday (public holidays excepted). Pedestrian access is via Phillip Street, King Street or Macquarie Street. The nearest railway stations are Martin Place and St James. There is no public parking within the building and very limited street parking in the immediate vicinity. Carpark access is not provided for court users. The nearest public parking is in the Domain parking station and at the Sydney Hospital.


About LawCourts

Law Courts Limited (LCL) is an unlisted public company, limited by guarantee. Law Courts Limited operations are jointly funded by the Commonwealth and NSW Governments through their respective Attorneys-General.


Ownership is vested in 8 Members, 4 each appointed by the Commonwealth and NSW Attorneys-General. All Members are officers of the Commonwealth and NSW Public Service respectively.


Management of LCL is through a Board of 6 Directors, 3 each appointed by the Commonwealth and NSW Attorneys-General. The Board meets monthly and all Directors are also Company Secretaries. Each Director has a designated Alternate Director, also appointed by the Commonwealth or NSW Attorney-General.


Full details of LCL’s structure and operations are set out in its Constitution.


LCL provides a Financial Report to the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) each year.


Management of the Law Courts building is contracted to BGIS, who provide the on-site Building Management.


Financial Report for the Financial Year ended 30 June 2024. 


Other primary contractors to the Law Courts building are:-


Security - Certis Security

Maintenance - TVH

Cleaning - Ezko Property Services



Conditions of Entry

Members of the public are welcome in this building. For your security and safety, perimeter security screening is in operation for all entrants. Refusal to comply may result in denial of entry to the building.


If you have medical concerns about the screening process, please talk to one of the security staff.


  • Closed circuit television surveillance and video recording is in operation throughout the building.

  • Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the building.

  • Prohibited, controlled or offensive weapons, drugs or other substances are not permitted.

  • The following items are not permitted and must be handed to security staff and a receipt will be provided. The items will be returned to you on departure from the building:

    • Alcohol (opened containers may not be returned)

    • Any item considered a security risk by the security staff.

    • Aerosol cans

    • Cameras

  • Photography and audio/video recording or transmission is not permitted without express prior approval.

  • Mobile telephones with camera facilities may be brought into the building, but the camera facility may not be used. Mobile phones and paging devices must be switched off nearby and within all courtrooms. Laptop computers must be removed from their carry bags prior to screening.

  • Motorcycle helmets must to be removed before entering.

  • Visitors may be required to provide identification information. Failure to comply with the directions of security staff may result in your removal from the building.


If you have any concerns about your personal safety or security, for any reason, please contact one of the security staff for assistance.


Building Contacts

Law Courts Limited
Building Management

Registered Address

Ground Floor
Law Courts Building
Queens Square
Sydney NSW 2000


Postal Address

GPO Box 5346
Sydney NSW 2001



02 9230 8015





After Hours
Emergency Contact

Security Office

Ground Floor
Law Courts Building
Queens Square
Sydney NSW 2000


Postal Address

GPO Box 5346
Sydney NSW 2001



02 9230 8000

02 9230 8025



02 9230 8604




Building Contacts

Courts Contacts

High Court of Australia

Registry Location

Level 23

Law Courts Building

Queens Square

Sydney NSW 2000


Postal Address

As above



02 6270 6380




Federal Court of Australia

Registry Location

Level 17

Law Courts Building

Queens Square

Sydney NSW 2000


Postal Address

Locked Bag A6000

Sydney South NSW 1235



1300 720 980



02 9230 8295 (General)

02 9230 8295 (Filing)



Supreme Court of NSW

Registry Location

Level 5

Law Courts Building

Queens Square

Sydney NSW 2000


Postal Address

GPO Box 3

Sydney NSW 2000



1300 679 272




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